Social Media-Integrated COVID-19 Dashboard Amplifies National Cities Are Essential Campaign
Client: Connecticut Conference of Municipalities
Location: Connecticut
About the Project
The COVID-19 pandemic sparked two emergencies for Connecticut, one for public health and one for the economy. The Connecticut Conference of Municipalities addressed both with a data analytics dashboard.
The dashboard helps keep CCM members informed about COVID-19 case counts in Connecticut communities and inspires them to support the Cities Are Essential advocacy campaign. This campaign, created by the National League of Cities and its state partners, seeks to secure local government funding in the fourth phase of the federal stimulus package. Using Tableau and data from the Connecticut Department of Health and Human Services, we created a dashboard with COVID-19 case counts for each town and built in functionality for users to easily tweet a curated message of support for local government funding to their congressional representatives.
“CCM is interested in finding new advocacy methods that make it easy for members to take action. I’m happy we were able to support such an important effort while also developing a tool that helps the people of CT stay informed about what is happening in their community.” —John McKenzie, former FLO Senior Analyst
Meet the Client
CCM is Connecticut’s largest, nonpartisan organization of municipal leaders, representing all 169 towns and cities in Connecticut. CCM shares best practices and objective research to help our local leaders govern wisely and advocates at the state level for issues affecting local taxpayers.
The Solution
Using Tableau software, we created a COVID-19 dashboard showing town-specific COVID-19 data (number of cases, number of deaths, number of people tested). A live connection was set up between the dashboard and the State of Connecticut’s Open Data Portal to ensure the data reamins current. A series of buttons allows users to tweet an auto-generated message of support to their congressional and senate representatives.
The dashboard is easily shared across social media and each Connecticut municipality can embed the dashboard for their own city or town on their website.
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