Student Enrollment Forecasting

Student enrollment is the foundation of school planning, no matter your district’s size. Make sure that foundation is strong with student enrollment forecasts developed using the most reliable data possible, and proven models and methodologies deployed by our skilled demographers and data analysts.

Student Enrollment and COVID-19: We Can Help

Advanced enrollment forecasts and community engagement tools to help you mitigate uncertainty caused by COVID-19.

Fresh Student Enrollment Forecasts

How long will COVID-19’s impact on enrollment last? How will new housing trends, working environments, and economic factors influence enrollment in the future? FLO’s demographers look to national and regional trends and analyze district-specific data to answer these challenging questions and prepare updated enrollment forecasts to better plan for the future.

Quick-Launch Community Engagement Tools

Reach out to families about return-to-school options and educational preferences with FLO Engage, our dynamic software application that integrates with your SIS and standard communication tools so you can ask targeted questions and get answers fast.



Your Partner in Planning

Our flexible consulting model means you get the forecasts you need to achieve your goals. What’s not flexible? Our dedication to creating the most accurate forecasts possible.

We’re Not Just Data People

Our analysts are just as comfortable presenting in front of a school board or answering questions at a public meeting as they are crunching numbers and making maps.

What Our Enrollment Forecasts Can Help You Do

Prevent Imbalanced School Enrollment

Spot trends that may lead to over- or under-enrolled schools before an imbalance occurs.

Determine Special Program Placement

Uncover student population trends to inform how you allocate program resources across your district.

Plan for Grade Configuration Changes

Reconfigure grades and feeder systems to balance school enrollment and meet the needs of your parent and student community.

Redraw Boundaries

Support your attendance area boundary updates with student enrollment data tailored to your community and your specific boundary planning needs.

Close or Open Schools

Inform your long-range facility planning with enrollment forecasts that tell you how and where your student population will change over time.

Capital Facilities Planning

Decide what to build, where to build it, and when to run bond elections to pay for it with forecasts that can inform facility expansion projects.

“I am thankful for the partnership and appreciated working with the FLO Analytics team. They were easy to work with, collaborative (even when they were talking about data-heavy processes), and the presentation they made to our Executive Team was well received. I would like to ensure that NCSD is in the queue for annual enrollment forecasts moving forward.”

—Tiffany Shireman, Chief of Staff, North Clackamas School District

Contact Us
staff image

Kent Martin

Senior Planner—School District Sector Lead


Let’s Get Started

Ready to start a project, or want to learn more about our process and how we work with clients? Complete our project inquiry form and we’ll reach out to get the conversation started.

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Explore Our Work
  • Data Compilation, Planning Strategies, and Public Engagement Support Grade Reconfiguration

    Client: Centennial School District

  • County of San Diego Redistricting

    Client: County of San Diego

  • Student Enrollment and Diversity: A Balancing Act

    Client: Tacoma Public Schools

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